Colorado Drug Card Media Center

Walgreens selected for statewide drug assistance program
(Denver, CO) – Colorado Drug Card announced Walgreens has agreed to be the "preferred pharmacy" for the statewide drug assistance program.
As part of the agreement, Walgreens has agreed to process prescriptions through Colorado Drug Card. State residents can go to any Walgreens store and ask the pharmacist to process their prescription through the Colorado Drug Card. Walgreens will also have cards available at its pharmacies.
Coloradans can obtain a free drug card, search drug pricing and locate participating pharmacies by visiting The cards provide drug purchase savings of up to 75 percent at pharmacies in stores that include Walgreens, Safeway, Albertsons Sav-On, Target and Kmart.
All state residents are eligible for the program, and there are no restrictions to membership, no income requirements, no age limits and no applications are needed.
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